Prof.Dr. Adnan Tekin Material Sciences and Production Technologies Applied Research Center (ATARC) was established as a research center in 1999 at Istanbul Technical University as a result of a project sponsored by the State Planning Organization of Turkiye, and French and Japanese Governments.

ATARC was established by means of a three-step DPT sponsored project:

  • The first group of equipment delivery was completed in 1999, after the French credit was activated.

  • The second step of the project, which was sponsored by the Japanese credit and involved the delivery & installation of characterization equipment to the center, completed by the end of 2002.

  • After the completion of bureaucratic procedure for the contract, ATARC has reached high capabilities in materials processing and characterization, following a 6 million USD credit, out of which 2 million USD was supplied by national funds (State Planning Organization of Türkiye).